My Australian Kindred Spirits

I received an email from Down Under yesterday from a fellow gay conservative, RomeoMike. He best sums up his view on things this way...
My conservative view of gay activism is starting to become one of my main interests on my blog. And yet I don't think it's so much about being conservative, more that it's a commonsense approach to what benefits ourselves and the wider community at the same time. Understanding our situation in the scheme of things instead of foisting a dogma at all costs.

RomeoMike has an excellent posting about a Stacy Farrar, a gay columnist from the Sydney Star Observer who moved from the gay area of Sydney out to the suburbs.

I See Gay People --

As RomeoMike puts it, Stacy is shocked to learn that "there are gay people who live just the same as other ordinary people, without the need for a special area, pubs, or mags designated for them; a concept which she's found worthy to devote column inches."

Tolerance and bigotry - RomeoMike (read the whole thing!)

Golly, Stacy. You know what... we also go to church, have pets, work good jobs, pay our taxes, interact with our straight neighbors and their families, participate in our community, and respect those around us. Quite a shock for an inner-city gay, no doubt!

RomeoMike also tipped me off about Dreadnought.
DREADNOUGHT is John Heard. Currently studying for BA (Philosophy Major) and LLB degrees at the University of Melbourne. Sometime banker, former Newmaniac, probable lawyer, perpetual writer, gay, Catholic and conservative. Have a thing for Natural Law Finnis-style. Like Andrew Sullivan, but conservative.
So there you have it... two fellow-thinking guys from across the world! And Dreadnought sounds a lot smarter than me!!

Oh, if you remembered my post about my trip to Australia... these guys would actually be part of the Liberal Party in their country. Kinda funny, eh? Especially since America's liberals are now becoming the defenders of status quo (didn't that used to make you an MSM-defined "conservative") and rejected reform in Congress and democracy abroad.

Check out RomeoMike and Dreadnought -- now official members of the GayPatriot blogroll, and part of the not-so-vast worldwide gay right wing conspiracy.

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