Advocate Profile of Bob Kabel

Thanks to Ted (ChargingRhino) for reminding me about this profile on Bob Kabel in the Feb. 15 issue of the Advocate. I had actually planned to do a series of postings about the 2/15 Advocate. Best laid they say.

From the Kabel profile.... here's a good exchange showing the automatic bias of the Advocate, contrasted with the real life experience of Kabel.

Will other party chiefs work against you?

I don’t anticipate any problem. From decades of experience I can tell you that in the ranks of the hundreds of party leaders all over the country, there is a remarkable openness to understanding the lives of gay people. Gay people have a job to do in educating and reaching out to them. I think a lot of what we saw in 2004 was a result of our failure to do that enough.

An experience that I share with Kabel, by the way.... I've been treated more hatefully by fellow gays for being Republican than by fellow Republicans for being gay. Frankly, people I've interacted with in the GOP could care less that I'm gay. They care if I'm a productive person, active in the party, and willing to work hard.

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